
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

475 Smoke-Free Campus


RATIONALE:   十大菠菜台子(University of Oakland)致力于提供一所健康的大学, 为学生提供舒适和富有成效的环境, employees and guests.

The health hazards related to smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke are well documented.  Numerous studies have found that tobacco smoke is a major contributor to indoor air pollution, and that breathing secondhand smoke is a cause of disease in healthy nonsmokers, including heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, and lung cancer.  烟草使用和接触二手烟对健康有重大危害.  Tobacco smoke has been identified as a Group A carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) and studies have shown that there is no safe level of exposure to Tobacco smoke.

电子烟装置(ESD), 俗称电子烟, or “e-cigarettes,” closely resemble and purposefully mimic the act of smoking by having users inhale vaporized liquid that typically contains nicotine, 通过点火系统或手动加热.  静电放电是由高浓度的超细颗粒组成的, pose health risks and contain detectable levels of carcinogens and toxic chemicals.  这些化学物质也存在于二手排放物中,影响空气质量.  The smoking of tobacco, hookahs, or marijuana and the use of ESD’s are forms of air pollution and constitute both a danger to health and a material public nuisance.

Accordingly, the University finds and declares that the purposes of this policy are (1) to protect the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking, 包括使用静电放电, 在大学拥有或经营的校园内,  Grounds, and Vehicles; (2) to guarantee the right of nonsmokers to breathe smoke and vapor-free air, while recognizing that the need to breathe smoke and vapor-free air shall have priority over the desire to smoke or “vape” through the use of ESD’s; and (3) to encourage a healthier, more productive living/learning/working environment for all members of the University.  Additionally, this policy provides for Oakland University's compliance with the Michigan Indoor Clean Air Act (P.A. 1986, No. 84, MCLA 333.12616 et.seq.); P.A. 经修订的1978年第368条,MCLA第333条.12905, concerning eating establishments; Sec. 20 of P.A. 227 of 1967, MCLA 408.820, concerning elevators; and Michigan’s Dr. Ron Davis Law, MCLA 333.12603 et seq.

POLICY:   Smoking, 包括使用电子烟(vaping), hookahs, and marijuana, 在所有大学拥有或经营的校园和场地禁止使用, 以及所有大学拥有或经营的建筑物和车辆. 

All Oakland University campuses and grounds shall be entirely smokefree effective September 3, 2013.  

适用范围及适用性:  The smoke and vapor-free policy applies to all University owned or operated property, facilities, and Vehicles, owned or leased, regardless of location, 除了梅多布鲁克区的私人住宅.  禁止在任何封闭场所吸烟和吸电子烟, including, but not limited to, all offices, work areas, classrooms, laboratories, hallways, elevators, stairwells, waiting rooms, restrooms, break rooms, 会议及会议室, community areas, 表演场地和大学宿舍内的私人住宅空间.  Smoking and vaping shall also be prohibited outdoors on all University campus property, including, but not limited to, parking lots, paths, fields, 运动/休闲区, stadiums, construction sites, 室外座位区, 以及在校期间的所有私人车辆.  这项政策适用于所有大学生, faculty, staff, contractors, 校园内的小贩和其他人员, 不管他们来访的目的是什么.


Building means all enclosed, indoor areas owned, leased or operated by Oakland University.

Campuses 指十大菠菜台子拥有或经营的任何实体场地.

电子吸烟装置(ESD) means any product containing or delivering nicotine or any other substance can be used by a person in any manner for the purpose of inhaling vapor or aerosol from the product.  该术语包括任何此类装置, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, 或者作为电子烟出售, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah, or vape pen, 或在任何其他产品名称或描述符下.  

Grounds 指十大菠菜台子拥有或租赁的财产.

Hookah means a water pipe and any associated products and devices which are used to produce fumes, smoke, 和/或材料燃烧产生的蒸汽,包括, but not limited to, tobacco, shisha, 或者其他物质,无论是天然的还是合成的

Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, 或携带任何点燃或加热的雪茄, cigarette, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or heated Tobacco Product or similar product whether natural or synthetic intended for inhalation, 包括任何形式的大麻.  “Smoking” also includes the use of an electronic smoking device which creates an aerosol or vapor (“vaping”), 以任何方式或形式, or the use of any oral smoking or vaping device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of Smoking in this Policy.

Tobacco Product   指含有烟草成分并供人类食用的产品, including, but not limited to, cigarettes cigars, pipes, 及任何其他非卷烟吸烟烟草制品.  烟草产品还包括大麻相关产品和衍生物, ESD and vaping products, 用于水烟和类似产品的材料.  

Tobacco related  指烟草产品品牌或企业名称的使用, trademark, logo, symbol, or motto, selling message, 可识别的图案或颜色, 或任何其他相同或类似产品的标志, or identifiable with, those used for any brand of Tobacco Product or company which manufactures Tobacco Products.  

Vehicles 指大学拥有或租用的汽车, buses, service vehicles, golf carts, 以及维护设备.  


In further recognition of the incompatibility of Oakland University’s educational mission and the promotion of Tobacco Products:  No Tobacco Product-related advertising or sponsorship shall be permitted on University Grounds, 在大学赞助的活动中, 或在大学出版的刊物上刊登, with the exception of advertising in a newspaper or magazine or other media that is not produced by the University and which is lawfully sold, bought, 或在大学派发.

Cigarettes, including ESDs, cigars, and pipes, hookah pipes or other products used solely for Tobacco Products shall not be sold or distributed as samples on University Grounds, 要么在自动售货机, the Oakland Center, or any area on campus.

The entire University community shares in the responsibility for adhering to this policy and encouraging others to do so. “No Smoking” signs or the international “No Smoking” symbol shall be clearly and conspicuously posted according to law and following the guidelines of the Michigan Department of Public Health.  执行本政策是所有人的责任.  可酌情使用现有的纪律政策.

  • Complaints of a Policy violation involving a student may be made to the supervisor of the area or activity in which the alleged violation occurred or to the Dean of Students Office, 150 Oakland Center, (248) 370-3352.
  • Complaints of a Policy violation involving smoking by housing students and/or their guests may be made to the assistant directors or director in the Department of University Housing, 448 Hamlin, (248) 370-3570; the residence director, 4000 Ann V. Nicholson Apts., (248) 370-2581.
  • Complaints of a Policy violation involving staff should be made to the staff member's supervisor.
  • Complaints of a Policy violation involving faculty should be made to the faculty member’s dean or department chair.
  • The Dean of Students, supervisor, dean or department chair will investigate and take any needed action to resolve the issue.

Persons violating this Policy will be subject to discipline as with other violations of University policies, regulations, and rules.  State law also provides for a civil fine of not more than $100 for a first violation and a fine of no more than $500 for a second or subsequent violation of the Michigan Indoor Clean Air Act (MCLA 333.12611 et. seq.)

根据政策402, 主席或其指定人员, 或合适的美联社副主席&P的责任办公室可以批准AP的例外情况&P's.

协助解释本政策, 请联系环境健康与安全办公室,电话:(248)370-4196.  


政策640 -十大菠菜台子条例

      4.22 Smoking.  No person shall smoke in an area where it is prohibited by signs posted in accordance with university policy and state law or in areas where it would be hazardous to smoke.  



